Vision 2020

We stand in awe of and is grateful for all God is doing through our church. Thank you for the part you play as we work together to extend our reach and influence our communities by “Loving People to Life.” When God opened the door for us to move into our current location, He knew that there would be over 6,000 unreached people, waiting to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, and to move forward in life.  We are confident that “eyes haven’t seen and ears haven’t heard the kind of blessings that’s about to fall on us.” 
Be Encouraged,
Marcus D. Collins
Marcus D. Collins
Lead Pastor 
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.  Acts 4:31 (NIV)  
As we look ahead, we’re praying and having faith for four key areas:
  • My Life 
  • My Church
  • My City
  • My Nation 
Each quarter, we will focus on each area and how you can be a part in moving the church forward through prayer and faith. 
Take time to pray about investing financially into our church through Vision 2020. Ask God specifically how much you should commit to give over the next 12 months. 
Give online using the link below, or fill out an online Commitment Card.
Our vision for the future of Grace Community Church is to continue reaching new people for God! Since planting Grace in 2017, we have seen many lives impacted by our church’s vision, but we don’t want to stop there. 
We believe that God, strategically placed us, on one of the busiest intersections in Montgomery, to reach out to an ever increasing percentage of the unchurched with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Our building is located in an area that has been identified as the most needed area for a new church. 

Our goal through Vision 2020 is to connect Montgomerans to Christ through: 
  • Evangelistic Worship. Our worship services will be designed to glorify God, build up those who believe, and challenge and help those who doubt or seek.
  • Group-Based Ministries. The backbone of our church will be a network of small groups and ministry teams, in which face-to-face friendships and caring develops.
  • Church Life Ministries. Hospitality, seminars, retreats, etc. will be designed to enable new people to develop relationships and bridge into a small group, and to enable believers to relate to one another as family.

God wants us as a church to invest a balanced percentage of our lives, our knowledge, and our resources with those in our city. Therefore, we are praying for the successful launch of the Grace Dream Center in 2020! There are many facets and extensions of the Grace Dream Center that we anticipate will impact the city of Montgomery in a variety of different ways:   
  • Serve the community through service projects reaching practical needs
  • Provide food, seasonal supplies, prayer, fellowship and love to the broken and hurting
  • Provide medical and dietary education to those in need
  • Provide enrichment, games, and educational support for community students

Five million people call Alabama home, however, 3 million are without a spiritual home. South Central Alabama has a population of 858,503, and of that number, 66% of the population are unreached. Montgomery County makes up roughly 26% or 223,356 people of the total South Central Region. Of the 223,356 inhabitants of Montgomery County, 65,000 do not know Jesus. While there are a number of existing churches spread throughout the Montgomery area, we believe we should devote our best effort to planting a new church for the following reason: A new church is the best way to make disciples among the lost.
Studies confirm that the average new church gains 1/3 to 2/3 of its members from those not attending any worshiping body whereas churches over ten to fifteen years of age gain 80 to 90 percent of new members by transfer from other congregations. While many established churches do effectively reach the lost there are simply not enough of these ministries making an overall impact in evangelism. The average new church will bring lost people into God’s Kingdom at six to eight times the rate of an established church of the same size.
We believe that Grace Church was born pregnant! Church planting will not stop with us, but we are committed to not only support other church plants, but to be a church planting church.