Welcome Back!
We are excited to welcome you back! On this page, you’ll find information about what to expect as you begin attending services in person again. In each service, you will experience passionate worship, inspiring teaching from God’s Word and an opportunity to gather with other believers. When you come, you’ll notice a few changes to our buildings, procedures and services that will create a healthy and safe environment for you and your family to enjoy church in person again.
- What are we doing to provide a safe environment?
We have purchased commercial grade sanitation equipment and have established thorough cleaning procedures before, during and after each service to allow us to provide a safe and clean environment for our church family. We have added several sanitation stations throughout the building for general use and are following social distancing guidelines.
Do I need to wear a face covering?
Face coverings are not required. If wearing a mask, however, makes you feel comfortable, we encourage you to wear one. If you need one, you can find disposable masks at one of our sanitation stations.
How are we limiting hand-to-hand contact?
To create a low-contact worship experience, we have removed all passing of materials (including connect cards, offering buckets, etc.). In addition, all doors will be either propped open or opened by one of our volunteers and all water fountains will be temporarily closed.
- Will worship services still be available online?
Yes, our Sunday morning services will continue to be live online. We are excited to launch an online campus experience for those who cannot attend our physical location in person. Like our physical location, our Online Campus will have opportunities to serve, build life-giving relationships through virtual small groups, participate in outreach opportunities and generosity.
As we begin to gather for in-person worship services, we know that many people need to continue worshiping at home. We are asking anyone who is sick to continue to join us for services online. For those who are in the most at-risk categories, we encourage you to use discretion when participating in any large group gatherings.
To keep you and all our staff, volunteers, and attendees safe, we are following local guidelines and asking everyone to self-check for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors before entering.
Self-Check Health Assessment Questions:
- Have you or any members of your household had any signs or symptoms of a fever in the past 24 hours such as chills, sweats, felt “feverish”, or had a temperature that is elevated for you or 100.4F or greater?
- Have any members of your household had any close contact in the last 14 days with someone with a diagnosis of COVID-19?
- Do you have any underlying medical conditions that might increase your risk for severe illness?
- Are you or anyone in your household a health care provider or emergency responder that may potentially have a high level of exposure to COVID-19?
Keep in mind, if you answer yes to question 1 or 2, please join us online. Please monitor your health and we hope to see you back in-person soon.
If you answer yes to questions 3 or 4, please evaluate the environments you’ve been exposed to and if there’s any reason to reconsider being in a large-group gathering.
If you have questions about any of our reopening plans, please contact our Team using the information below.