Greetings Church Family,
We are so glad you have decided to participate in an extended time of prayer, fasting and personal devotion. There is no better way to reset our spiritual compass and bring about spiritual renewal in every area of our lives through prayer and fasting. Our hope is that this time of prayer and fasting will refresh us personally but also our church as we seek His blessing and direction.
~Pastor Collins
Although every denomination has different ways to observe the Lenten period, the goal is very much the same: to help remove a believer’s attachment from the world and focus his or her attention on God and Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. This devotional book is a 40-day guide to help you accomplish just that: to prepare your heart, mind, and Spirit for the joyous celebration of Easter. Each devotional includes an exhortation to share the gospel with others, along with a prayer that you can make your own during your quiet time with the Lord.

Starting Feb. 14, join us each weekday morning at 6:30am for our corporate prayer call. What better way to start your morning? The dial-in number is (516) 259-9046.
Click below to listen to the Devotional Prayer Calls